Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Integrity; Nothing Else Matters

While in the bus this morning, i started a conversation with the young lady sitting beside me. "What's your idea of integrity?" i asked. To my surprise, she  could not think of anything meaningful, as she clearly stated. Luckily for me, an elderly man who was in the bus came to my rescue, little did i know that i was going to spark some serious argument. 

The elderly man clearly said that "integrity entails virtue, the way people see you, the way you live your life. It's necessary to have integrity because God wants righteous people in his kingdom and you can only be righteous by living based on the standards set by God. You need to have God to be virtuous"

He indeed made some salient points but i went on to ask him, "How about those who are not necessarily religious. Do you mean they cannot have integrity no matter what they do or how they live their lives? 

Only then did another young man speak up "We all worship the same God; Muslims, Christians, Traditionalists, Buddhists and the likes. I used to be a Christian but i have changed from that religion. I study the bible, koran, grail, and all the holy books, some of which were written even before the bible. For me, the integrity of a man should be rated on his good deeds and way of life without trying to base it on religion at all"

They both argued about a lot of things, things that could get another man who isn't firmly rooted to maybe loose his own integrity, depending on what such a fellow upholds. This went on and on until the elderly man got to his bus stop first, then i got to mine. The young unbelieving guy said something which got me thinking, but that's a topic for another day.

Wikipedia says that "integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. It is generally a personal choice to uphold oneself to consistent moral and ethical standards"

That is indeed the perfect definition. As most (if not all) of us know, three of our legislators; Ikon, Gbillah and Gogolo have been accused of sexual misconduct. Most Nigerians have silently judged them already in their hearts, simply because Nigeria already has such tendencies. Nigeria had long lost most (if not all) of her integrity. 

Negative characteristics like corruption, fraud and drugdealing, are attributed to this Country due to things which had taken place, not necessarily recently, but in the past. This does not mean that there are no citizens of this country who have integrity, it only shows that some of us have compromised and are still compromising. In the legislators case, they may be innocent (we'll know if there's an evidence) but it's difficult to assume they weren't because these tendencies are named among Nigerians.

Let's look at individuals now and not the whole country. Certain people actually think they can live as they please just because they want to have fun, live big, gain fame and wealth, receive worship and recognition everywhere, etc. 

I know you feel it's someday going to be termed your past! Think again, how will you have integrity when all anyone can think of at the sight of you is the liar, cheat, abusive person, thief, deceitful, promiscuous, careless, unserious, etc.

We make up Nigeria; you and me. If we have integrity and are able to affect other people who meet us, they will also do same and the cycle will continue. I see that as progress, even if we do not affect the whole country, we'd be sure to affect a section of people. 

Who are you when no one is watching? Are you doing what is right even when it's difficult? Are you sincere, just and reliable? Look within you. Is the answer no? Then, you must begin to work on your values afresh. 
-Do what's right
-Speak the truth always
-Learn to keep promises
-Apologise whenever you're wrong and
-Yes, emulate Christ

I'll leave you with this, "If you have integrity, nothing else matters and if you don't have integrity, nothing else matters" - Alan K Simpson


At 28 June 2016 at 19:09 , Blogger Unknown said...

An excellent piece. But a difficult subject for a culture like ours where people of integrity are only noticed after the wealthy ones are done passing. Our high rate of materialism has given integrity second class citizenship in my beloved country.
If for instance the honorable members of a country, where integrity matters, were accused of such unspeakable acts as you cited above. They will not stop at making empty threats; they will actually go the whole-nine-yards, to sue whomsoever tried to spoil their good name.
But that can only happen in a country where integrity matters, and if they are not guilty.


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