Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Birthday Thoughts

Hello reader,

It was my birthday on 11th July and taking a quick look at life, I've sincerely just seen God's involvement. 23 years of life! Now, you should know that I don't deserve that. Numerous young people whom I know and even some I do not know lost their lives at 22 as well as before 22 (God bless their souls), but I'm standing tall at 23, numbering my days, that I might apply my heart unto wisdom.

Anyway, the major thing isn't just to keep growing older and receiving loads of birthday wishes from the numerous people who facebook reminded it was your birthday, and smiling at their choice of words which flatter you tremendously, or  enjoying the day, throwing a party and just having mad fun all the way. Yes, I agree with you; that part is very much welcome and good for your spirit, but there's more to a birthday than that. Don't you think so?

It's also a time of reflection; for every birthday, find time to reflect on life as a whole. Has it been fruiful, with loads of acheivements (both personal and societal)? Then, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Seeing how much you've grown in age and physique, you are also expected to grow in knowledge, maturity, thoughts, and achievements especially. Pressure comes your way from all sides and you get confused on what to do/believe/accept/disregard at the moment. Just take a break and think; do these factors being pushed on me align with that which I desire to acheive right now?

Through all the mumbo jumbo, I hope you get the message. Age comes with expectations and responsibility. Reflect on your life as often as you can and make changes where you feel the need to.

I remain your friend in the journey,


At 13 July 2016 at 20:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice piece.
Permit me writer, to add that birthday reflections must not be seen as a time to compare oneself with their peers. It is not a time to wonder why some of our mates are doing so much better than we are, why we have not achieved, at our age, what some others achieved when they were younger.
We must remember that as our faces are different, so are our destinies. So everyone must design their own path and not always compare themselves with others.
Therefore birthday reflections should be about this path which we have designed for ourselves: how far have we come? Are we on track? Does the path need some adjustments to the design? Are we interacting with the kind of people that will help us move ahead in this journey?
These and similar questions will help us prepare better for the new year.
Happy birthday dear writer, and cheers to you.

At 14 July 2016 at 09:08 , Blogger Tweenywords said...

Thank you very much. I agree with you which is why I said whatever change you make should align with what you specifically desire to achieve.


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