Saturday, 13 August 2016

I can't believe this!!!

Waking up and stretching this morning, I set foot on a furry, fluffy and really comfy carpet. Where am I?  I am perplexed by the changes I see in my room. It just occurs to me that I feel no pains at all on any part of my body. My wrists don't hurt, neither does my back nor neck. Turning to look at the bed, I see a big and very well padded mattress, with beautiful covers and many pillows. I feel like I'm in a hotel.

"Who changed everything and even took the pain of lifting me from my former small and really flat mattress on to this new one?" I wonder. But think of it, who doesn't love a good surprise???

I spring out of bed and run around, jumping like a toddler who had just been fed a lot of sugar and given a new set of toys, still taking in the new scenario and feeling so grateful that a miracle has come my way. I even dance to some tunes in my head, which make no sense. My curtains are the most beautiful shade of turquoise blue and white, with a flowery pattern on it. It's so dreamy.

Oh my God!!! My dreams came true this morning and I still don't know how. I call my friends immediately, trying to find out who gave me a late birthday present [my birthday was 11th July, remember?] Mehn...they all sound shocked and keep going "Oh! I'm so happy for you," I wonder if they'd met and rehearsed what reply to give to me at the beep of their phones. Hmmmmm! What is going on? My friends didn't do this? Who did?

It seems I won't get an answer to my questions so, I will just pretend nothing has changed in my life and joyfully adapt to this new habitat of mine. Strolling to the wardrobe to unhang my favourite dress, I can't find it. I cry like I have been robbed overnight such that, I don't notice that this wardrobe isn't even familiar to me, but new. What!!!! What is going on? Uyaiabasi!!! Oluwakemi!!! Inyene!!! Francis!!! Onyinye!!! Vine!!! Bomley!!! Romanus!!! Where una dey oooo? I can't even remember the names of my friends because I'm flabbergasted.

Yes, miracles do happen but do they really happen overnight? And what's the criteria? Nora, my friend, who I didn't even call to inform of this has come knocking on my door. "Open the door, jor! Who even owns this car outside? Do you have a visitor?" What! A car? I can't believe it. Stepping outside, there's a 2015 Ford Mustang. The plate number is even customized? My nickname, Twiggy?  Wow!!! It keeps getting better.

I have my bath while Nora looks around amazed and says the same "I'm happy for you" I've heard all morning. I get a dress from the wardrobe and trust me, it is nothing like the former, including the favourite I couldn't find. The labels in this wardrobe beat the former 100 times over. "Who said money couldn't solve everything? He hasn't been here," I muse.

Just as I enter the car with Nora, hopeful that we could take a ride to see a movie together and try to celebrate my new found status of 'rich', I hear a scream "Mmedara" and I recognise the voice as my Aunt's. "Yes, Auntie," I reply and realise I'm sitting, not even on the bed, but on the floor of the room I share with a relative, with the plate I had used to soak garri and eat before me. I'm mad at my self for answering my Auntie, for then, I would've continued in my beautiful surprise in my imaginations. I can't believe this!!!


At 14 August 2016 at 18:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Entertaining! A nice read.


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