Do What You Know is Right
Dear Reader,
So many times, I wonder;
Will I get validation from my goons?
What perception will my friends have of me?
What if it takes too long and this one is faster?
Won't this be a more tasking process to follow?
I can't count the number of times I've been too afraid to do what I knew I should do. I end up putting very irrelevant factors (like the ones above) above that which I am persuaded is right.
Fortunately, I stumbled on a piece where a wise individual said "You should not let your fears prevent you from doing what you know is right". This was all the motivation I needed to make up my mind to be who I truly am.
I decided to ignore the voices in my head telling me to conform with the ways and ideas of people, against my wish. I pledge to do that which I know to be right. So help me God!